Thursday 1 July 2010

iPhones and Microwave ovens

I don't get the people complaining about signal on the new iPhone when you hold it in a certain way. Wake up and smell the science, people!

I like it when people discover something about physics their device relies on (attenuation, dielectrics, EM radiation) and act all suprised when they can show nature working (i.e. their device not working) in front of them.

Microwave ovens are another thing. People seem to think they cook "from the inside out" but this is total nonsense- they just shoot waves at things (in a much more efficient way than conventional ovens,) and the waves have to penetrate te surface first just like always. This is why baked potatoes are never done properly in the middle from the microwave.

Exactly the same problem is occuring with the iPhone; except it's your hands getting in the way instead of the potato. It's designed for information rather than heat transfer though, so it's better equipped and, if you're near enough the radio mast, it will auto-compensate, albeit with slightly reduced speed (that's information theory and imperfect channels for you...)

One day people will realise that they should start using all the awesome devices people have made in such a way as they work - in the case of iPhone 4 by taking awesome quality videos and editing them right there and then tagging them with their position which was determined by satellites and posting the link to it to five social networking sites simultaneously all from their phone, a device running on a battery and small enough to hold in their hand

Yes I want one, no I don't have it yet because the shop is out of stock, and no I don't work for apple.

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